Monday, 15 February 2010

The Course of History

When Hitler came to power, Germany had a massive unemployment problem which was reduced by implementing an emergency plan to rebuild the country's infrastructure, renegotiating war debt and restoring national pride via a massive propaganda campaign and of course the rest is history.

Zapatero our glorious leader, self proclaimed champion of the poor and downtrodden has embarked on more or less the same course of action, at least as far as infrastructure goes. Consequently thousands of roads throughout Spain are now closed (see blog dated February 1st) and the transport system has all but collapsed so no one can get anywhere in the foreseeable future. The next step I imagine will be to negotiate with the companies who 'won' the building contracts on these roads to lower their agreed payment, so that they all will be left unfinished. Proving for once and for all that this government cannot organize a p*** up in a brewery (as they say in Ireland). Somehow all this does not really bother me for after 11 years of living in Spain you begin to believe it is inevitable. What really concerns me is what our Don Zapatero will decide to do to divert the unrest it's causing!


Any Ideas?

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