According to the Euro Weekly, new figures have revealed that the crime rate in Britain is more than double the crime rate here in Spain.
Three European countries have the lowest crime rates and one of them is Spain with 44 offences per 1,000 people. Compare this to the UK which has one of the highest rates, with 91 offences per 1,000 people.
150,200 National Police and Guardia Civil, have solved 40.5 per cent of crimes. The result is that less than 10 per cent of the population regard crime as a problem in Spain.
The police have take a stand against money laundering since 2003, and last year 115 operations against this type of organised crime were carried out.
Statistics will be revealed at a seminar called Safety Strategies: Police Co-operation and Citizen Participation, which, is being held in Santander. The aim of the seminar is to show the importance of the different forces within the EU working side by side to fight crime and to identify new risks, connected to globalisation and the development of new technologies. Also identifying which civilians can help in the fight against crime will be another aim of the Seminar.
Do you reckon there is anything the population on the Costa del Sol can do to help keep up the good work?